Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and beauty blog Mascot, Vol. 208

Dear Tabby is written by Tabs the Cat, commonly regarded as “the world’s first plus-size kitty supermodel.” founded in mid 2012, it has quickly become the most widely syndicated cat advice column on earth — known for its fresh, feline perspective on lifestyle, fashion and style issues affecting cats and humans.

Model’s career decision is crushing him…

DEAR TABBY: I could really use some career advice, and I couldn’t think of a better expert to ask.

I’m a 21-year-old struggling male model, and I recently received the opportunity to do an, um, “spicy” centerfold spread in a national magazine.


Ich bin zerrissen. Do I take the risk and try to push my career to the next level, even if it means baring a little skin, or do I pass on the job and wait for a better opportunity?

I remember you mentioning that you did a spread for Playcat magazine a few years back. Did you have any reservations at the time, and do you feel like it helped or hurt your career?

Danke im Voraus.
— handsome and Hopeless


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Playcat magazine, April 2010

DEAR handsome & HOPELESS: Of course I had reservations about the Playcat spread. I think it’s only natural to be a little nervous when you’re baring your tum, but more than that, I was also nervous about what it might mean for my future job prospects.

I didn’t want to end up being known as “that cat” in the kitty modeling world — you know, the one who’ll show off his junk at the drop of a hat.

But it sounds like my situation was a little different than yours. First, I’m a cat. Second, I was already famous before I posed for the magazine. Ultimately, I did it for the fans, and I don’t feel like it hurt my career. As long as it makes people happy, I’ll keep sharing my tum with the world.

You sound like a pretty smart guy. I think you already know what you should do, but my two cents? I say go for it. opportunities like that don’t come along very often.

As for what the job could do for your career, look at that Kendra gal or Jenny McCarthy. Both of them parlayed similar gigs into bigger opportunities. viel Glück!

Start with stripes…

DEAR TABBY: fashion question for you. I’m a identified Bengal interested in exploring casual and formal wear, but I’m afraid that the plaid and argyle patterns I’m attracted to will clash with my fur. What are the best ways to wear prints with identified fur?
— Wondering in Wisconsin

Try experimenting with tweed…

DEAR WONDERING: sounds like you have an incredible coat. Du Glückspilz!

Personally, I’m a big fan of mixing and matching prints, and I always tell patterned kitties to just have fun with it. My personal style philosophy? If you see something and it makes your tail twitch, go for it!

The plaid and argyle patterns both sound great, but if you’re not used to seeing yourself in them, you may be shocked the first time you catch a look of yourself in a mirror. start slowly by introducing something simple into your wardrobe; I recommend pinstripes — classic, understated and elegant.

Walking woes…

DEAR TABBY: I recently accepted a position as a professional pet assistant working for a sassy 2-year-old stray named Sally. Sally wants my help incorporating daily walks into her fitness regimen.

Problem is, she hates harnesses. I haven’t found one she likes. As soon as she puts one on, she plops down on the ground, rolls around and refuses to walk.

All of the pet assistants in my professional network think that Sally’s a lost cause. Was denkst du? I don’t want to lose this job.
— troubled in Tacoma

I highly recommend walking…

DEAR troubled IN TACOMA: First, congrats on your new partnership! and I’m happy you decided to take a job assisting a stray. That’s very wise of you. I was a stray once, you know…

I still remember the first time my assistant placed a harness on me. I have to be honest with you, it really freaked me out!

I got used to it, though, slowly but surely. The treats certainly helped. every time my assistant put my harness on me, she’d feed me a spoonful of gravy or a few pieces of Pounce. She also lavished me with sweet talk and strokes.

At first, I only wore the harness for a few minutes inside the house. We did that a few times to get used to it, and then slowly worked our way up from five-minute trips outside to 10 and 15. pretty soon I was comfortable and walking around.

Now I really look forward to my walks.

Don’t give up on Sally, Troubled! I think a lot of kitties start at that same exact place, but with plenty of positive encouragement, patience and love, pretty soon you two will be enjoying the great outdoors.

Get on the gravy train…

DEAR TABBY: I’ve been thinking about adding a few cans of gravy to my weekly grocery list, but I’m clueless when it comes to wet food. I’ve always been more of a dry food kitty, but I’m trying to expand my culinary horizons.Können Sie irgendwelche Aromen empfehlen, um es zu versuchen?
– kulinär neugierig

Liebe den Truthahn und den Lachs …

Liebes neugierig: sicher. Ich bin ein riesiger Fan der SOVY-Liebhaber-Serie von dem Fancy Fest, und mein Lieblingsgeschmack ist die Türkei … obwohl der Salon auch ziemlich gut ist.

Wenn ich in der Stimmung bin, um zu überleben, oh, ich liebe die Vorspeisen für Katzen, auch durch ein fantastisches Fest.

Sie haben massive Fisch- und Fleischkämpfe, die in “einer empfindlichen Brühe” serviert werden, die wie eine superfantische Sauce ist. Wieder sehr lecker!


Für das, was es wert ist, wenn ich eine Art von Katzenfutter wählen müsste, um mich durch die Zombie-Apokalypse zu halten … Ich würde diese Vorspeisen aus dem Fancy-Fest entscheiden.

Ihre freundlichen Nachbarschafts-Schönheits-Süchtigen,

Karen und Tabs.

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